This vehicle (23 October 2015 - 13 March 2020) has finished its duties on the GCIV and scraped on 13 March 2020.

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1  gc4 1949的日內瓦第四公約 - 關於戰時保護平民之日內瓦公約


戰敗不可恥,不容剝奪的 大日本帝國 國籍 人權 與 尊嚴。



每本200元 十本及十本以上,免運費寄送在臺灣之助印者。


It's not a shame to the war defeated. The Japan Empire nationals' nationality, Human Rights and  honour shall not be deprived.

The Fourth Geneva Convention could lead people into the civilization of humanity world with International Human Rights Law and International Humantarian Law.


200 NTD per each printing Free shipping to the donator in Formosa while the donation is more than 9 books.
2  god forever 平成27年 天長節 感恩文告


臺灣人不能不知的 合法人權-國籍的身世之謎

世界首發 臺灣澎湖的主權證明文件


每本200元 十本及十本以上,免運費 寄送在臺灣之助印者。
3  2015 forever heaven

平成27年 天長節 感恩文告


臺灣 澎湖 唯一合法政府的文告

世界首發 臺灣澎湖的主權證明文件

臺灣人不能不知的 合法人權-國籍的身世之謎


每本200元 十本及十本以上,免運費 寄送在臺灣之助印者。
3  2015 forever heaven

The Japan Empire
Proclamation on the Forever Heaven Celebration Day of 2015 &
National Banquest Invitation



The inhabitants of Formosa and Pescadores shall know the legal nationality - the Human Rights.

The first ever legal documents recovering the sovereingty of Formosa and Pescadores under internaional law.


200 NTD per each printing Free shipping to the donator in Formosa while the donation is more than 9 books.


以上 書籍助印,請洽大日本帝國赤十字總會(即 大日本人民救援委員會總會 臺北市士林區延平北路六段263號 電話:02 28120533 ( +886-2-2812 0533)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯繫。



For above donations, please contact the Red Cross of Japan Empire Headquarter (the Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire Headquarter)
No.263, Section 6 Yanping North Road, Taipei City 11147, Formosa, Japan Empire
TEL 02 28120533 ( +886-2-2812 0533)
or please contact with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

台灣人權啟始123周年 暨 世界紅十字和紅新月日 暨 帝國臣民八田與一先生紀念會
聯合國NGO 大日本帝國人民救援委員會(大日本帝國赤十字社)RCJE

通知日期:平成30年4月30日 (2018)
大日本帝國赤十字社總會地址:大日本帝國台灣 台北市士林區 延平北路六段263號

10:00 開始報到
10:30 唱國歌“君が代”
10:35 - 14:30 專題報告及延申討論

1. 國際人權法及人道法的區分標準是什麼?
2. 台灣澎湖的人權史,從什麼時候開始?
3. 一個平民有了人權,可以因為戰爭被剝奪嗎?日內瓦公約規定哪些是不能剝奪的?

4. 日內瓦公約保護的台灣澎湖的人權,可以為台灣澎湖走出國際地位,走出國際人權的法律之路。
5. 大日本帝國政府執政了嗎?是的。
6. 誰是大日本帝國的佔領國?佔領國對被佔領國的主權及主權權利,受到日內瓦公約的規範,而且不得移轉。

7. 大日本帝國赤十字社的宗旨、展望及限定發展模式。
8. 美國軍事佔領下,你有一天做過有人權的人嗎?
9. 日內瓦公約之下,在台灣 澎湖,你可以為你自己的人權做些什麼?你可以為他人的人權做些什麼?

The started 123 anniversary of the Human Rights of inhabitants of Formosa and Pescadores
and for World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
and the commemoration day for Japan Empire citizen Mr. Yoichi Hatta (八田與一)
Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire (UN NGO RCJE), also known as Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE)

Notification date: 30 April 2018
The commemorative meeting is dating on 8 May 2018 at the RCJE headquarter, starting from 10:30 am, and starting to sign the meeting in 10:00 am.
RCJE headquarter: no.263 Section 6 Yanping North Road Taipei, Formosa, Japan Empire

Agenda:(Video recording)
The meeting's contents and procedure
10:00 meeting signing
10:30 Singing the Japan Empire’s national anthem “君が代”

10:35 - 14:30 President’s report and discussion
1. What is the distinguish between IHRL and IHL?
2. When the Human Rights of inhabitants of Formosa and Pescadores started?
3. Can a War deprives occupied civilians' Human Rights? what cannot be deprived under the provisons of Geneva Conventions of 1949?

4. The inhabitants of Formosa and Pescadores can having their Human Rights, the Formosa and Pescadores can having their legal international status, only following the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
5. Does the government of Japan Empire start its governance? yes.
6. Which State is occupying the Japan Empire. The sovereignty and sovereign rights are under Geneva Conventions of 1949, and cannot be transferred.

7. The purpose and legal development of Red Cross of Japan Empire
8. Had you ever lived with Human Rights under United States military occupation?
9. What can you do for your Human Rights or for others' Human Rights under Geneva Conventions of 1949 in Formosa and Pescadores?

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