RCJE: Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire (UN NGO RCJE), also known as Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE)
Main Office of RCJE: 263 Section 6 Yanping North Road, Taipei City 11172, Formosa, Japan Empire
Publication date: 5 October 2018
The present commemoration dating on 24 October 2018 at Main Office of Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE Headquarter), starting from 12:30, and reporting time start at 11:30.
Agenda:(Video recording)
12:30 Singing the Japan Empire’s national anthem “君が代”
12:35 - 13:00 RCJE President's report
13:00 - 14:30 RCJE Chief Director's report and scheduling
14:30 - 15:00 Discussion of Human Rights issues in the occupied territory Formosa in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention
「2 - 4.各會員國在其國際關係上不得使用威脅或武力,或以與聯合國宗旨不符之任何其他方法,侵害任何國家之領土完整或政治獨立。」
RCJE: 大日本帝國人民救援委員會(UN NGO RCJE),即 大日本帝國赤十字社(RCJE)
本次紀念活動於2018年10月24日在大日本帝國赤十字社總會 (RCJE 總部) 舉行,從12:30開始,報到時間從11:30開始。
12:30唱 大日本帝國的國歌“君が代”
12:35 - 13:00 大日本帝國赤十字社主席報告
13:00 - 14:30 大日本帝國赤十字社總執行長報告及主持安排
14:30 - 15:00 根據日內瓦第四公約討論被佔領領土臺灣的人權問題