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RCJE requests to be recognized by ICRC and IFRC
on International Day of Charity - 5 September 2017

Original language: English

Respecting To

His Majesty the Emperor

Her Majesty the Empress



Imperial Household Agency

恭請 宮內庁長官  風岡 典之    代呈

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)        常設仲裁法院


The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

President Peter Maurer

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

President Mr. Tadateru Konoé


The United Nations

United Nations Secretary-General

H.E. Mr. António Guterres

United Nations General Assembly (Session 72nd)

H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson

United Nations Economic and Social Council

Her Excellency Marie Chatardová

Victims Participation and Reparations Section International Criminal Court

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Attachment 1: Common Definitions to RCJE Documents
Attachment 2: Red Cross Law of Japan Empire
Attachment 3: Introduction to RCJE (page 8 - 16 of Proclamation on the Forever Heaven
Celebration Day of 2016)

Attachment 4: Annex 1 of
Proclamation on the Forever Heaven Celebration Day of 2015 &
National Banquet Invitation

From : RCJE (Red Cross of Japan Empire, also known as Rescue committee for the people of Japan Empire)
Address:No.263, Section 6 Yanping North Road, Taipei City 11147, Formosa, Japan Empire
Contact:Mr. Selig Tsai, President of RCJE
Email address:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone : +886-2-8626-2459



Red Cross of Japan Empire (RCJE) requests to be recognized by ICRC and IFRC



  1. Definitions

Japan Empire, the JPE Government, Japan, US, USAF-CRAG, and MacArthur Constitution.

Please see the Attachment 1: Common Definitions to RCJE Documents.


Regarding Nationality of Japan Empire, please see the Attachment 4: ”Annex 1 - The inhabitants of Taiwan and Penghu are nationals of the Japan Empire” of “Proclamation on the Forever Heaven Celebration Day of 2015 & National Banquet Invitation”



  1. Red Cross Law of Japan Empire

Please see the Attachment 2: Red Cross Law of Japan Empire



  1. Introduction to RCJE

Please see the Attachment 3: Introduction to RCJE (page 8 - 16 of Proclamation on the Forever Heaven
Celebration Day of 2016)



  1. Pursuant to the Article 4 of the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, RCJE requests to be recognized by ICRC and IFRC.

1. Be constituted on the territory of an independent State where the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field is in force.

The National Society of Japan Empire accessioned to Geneva Convention in 1886, changed its name to “Japanese Red Cross Society” and was recognized by ICRC on 2 September 1887. And the “Formosa stake of Japanese Red Cross Society” was constituted in the Japan Empire territories Formosa and Pescadores in 1895.

Japanese Red Cross Society is constituted under Meiji Constitution (which constitution was submitted to ICRC and adopted by ICRC on 3 November 1946, could be find in ICRC’s National Implementation of IHL > By State : Japan > Internal legal order > Legislation > The Constitution of Japan, 1946)

Japanese Red Cross Society is rebuild under Meiji Constitution and Geneva Conventions of 1949, changed its name to “Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire” (also known as “Red Cross of Japan Empire”, hereinafter: RCJE;) in the occupied Japan Empire territories Formosa and Pescadores on 22 May 2013.(see Attachment 3: Introduction to RCJE)

  1. Be the only National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society of the said State and be directed by a central body which shall alone be competent to represent it in its dealings with other components of the Movement.

RCJE is constituted under Meiji Constitution, is the only National Red Cross, is active in the whole Japan Empire territories under the guarantee of the territorial integrity of Article 2 of principle of UN Charter, and especially is the National Red Cross in Formosa and Pescadores.

RCJE Headquarter is set at No. 263 Section 6 Yan-Ping North Road, Shi-Lin district of Taipei City 11172, Formosa, Japan Empire, with email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., RCJE Headquarter is the central body which is competent to represent RCJE in its dealings with other components of the Movement.

  1. Be duly recognized by the legal government of its country on the basis of the Geneva Conventions and of the national legislation as a voluntary aid society, auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field.

RCJE is duly recognized by the legal government of Japan Empire (the JPE Government) on the basis of the Geneva Conventions and of the national legislation as a voluntary aid society, auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field. Please see Attachment 2: Red Cross Law of Japan Empire.

  1. Have an autonomous status which allows it to operate in conformity with the Fundamental Principles of the Movement.

The Red Cross Law of Japan Empire guarantees RCJE has an autonomous status which allows it to operate in conformity with the Fundamental Principles of the Movement.

  1. Use the name and emblem of the Red Cross or Red Crescent in conformity with the Geneva Conventions.

The Red Cross Law of Japan Empire provides that RCJE can and shall use the emblem of 1949 Geneva Conventions: the Red Cross emblem or the Red Crystal Rising Sun Emblem which is compliance with the Third Additional Protocol to the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

  1. Be so organized as to be able to fulfil the tasks defined in its own statutes, including the preparation in peace time for its statutory tasks in case of armed conflict.

RCJE is prepared and able to fulfil the tasks defined in its own statutes, and cooperates with Ministry of International Armed Conflict of JPE Government for its statutory tasks in present military occupation and in case of armed conflict.

  1. Extend its activities to the entire territory of the State.

RCJE is working hard in the occupied Japan Empire territories Formosa and Pescadores to extend its activities to the entire territory of Japan Empire which is under the guarantee of the territorial integrity of Article 2 of principle of UN Charter.

RCJE also requires the concerted efforts of the present Japanese Red Cross Society which is governed by the Japan’s law (the law was submitted to ICRC and ICRC adopted it in 1952), and the Japan was independent on 3 May 1947 under the US-made MacArthur Constitution and under US military occupation; the present Japanese Red Cross Society is not governed by the Meiji Constitution - the Constitution of Japan ,1946 (the law was submitted to ICRC and ICRC adopted it in 1946), to extend its activities to the entire territory of Japan Empire.

RCJE also requires the concerted efforts of the Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea National Red Cross (both of they are under US military threatens to constitute) , to extend its activities to the entire territory of Japan Empire.

These said requirements and the present Japanese Red Cross Society (which is the agent while RCJE be destroyed provided by the Red Cross Law of Japan Empire) present that RCJE do adhere to the present Statutes, share in the fellowship which unites the components of the Movement and co-operate with them.

  1. Recruit its voluntary members and its staff without consideration of race, sex, class, religion or political opinions.

The JPE Government deeply and completely accepts, guarantees, and reaffirms to subject Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols in all circumstances. Undoubtedly, RCJE subjects to Article 3, 13, and 27 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, to respect race, sex, class, religion, and political opinions of its voluntary members and its staff and each person.

  1. Adhere to the present Statutes, share in the fellowship which unites the components of the Movement and co-operate with them.

RCJE do adhere to the present Statutes, share in the fellowship which unites the components of the Movement and co-operate with them.

  1. Respect the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and be guided in its work by the principles of international humanitarian law.

RCJE do respect the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and be guided in its work by the principles of international humanitarian law.


  1. The present mission of Red Cross of Japan Empire

The present mission of RCJE is to assist the High Contracting Parties of Geneva Conventions of 1949 to resettle the Japan Empire nationals – persons who are protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 to the country – the Japan Empire where they are living before the military occupation. And, before the “resettlement” taking place, they shall be benefited by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, listing as follows:


The Occupying Power - United States and its assigning army USAF-CRAG (the Republic of China which was re-established by Chiang Kai-shek in the occupied territories, or so called Chinese Taipei) in the occupied Japan Empire territories Formosa and Pescadores, shall immediately observe provisions of 1949 Geneva Conventions:

  1. Offer free medical, food, water, electricity, supplies for protected persons of Japan Empire nationality to live and shall offer objects necessary for religious worship;
    (Article 55 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, and Article 69 of Protocol I additional to the Geneva Conventions, Basic needs in occupied territories)
  2. Prohibit pillaging property of protected persons especially who are of Japan Empire nationality, and;
    Prohibit exacting civil tax and fee from the occupied civilians;
    (Article 33 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention)
  3. Prohibit trying and passing sentences on protected persons by a unit which is not a regularly constituted court recognized by civilized peoples or by International Law;
    (Article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions, and Article 147 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention)
  4. Prohibit punishing occupied civilians or punishing occupied civilians for charging money, by USAF-CRAG’s inside procedures.
    (Article 33 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, and Article 147 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention)


  1. The victims need help.
    Under the United States’ aggression against Japan Empire, The United States has committed Genocide up to the present time.

The people of Japan Empire nationality (nationality of Meiji Constitution) is “the group” of a national, as defined in Article 6 of Rome Statute of International Criminal Court.

The United States and its USAF-CRAG (Chinese Taipei) do the following acts to the group (people of Japan Empire nationality).

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group (another group: Chinese Taipei or Taiwanese).

The people’s nationality cannot be deprived.

The inhabitants of Formosa and Pescadores have been of Japan Empire Nationality, since 1897, 2 years later after the Shimonoseki Treaty of 1895 coming into force. But, where are the people of Japan Empire Nationality, in International Society, nowadays?

The people of Japan Empire Nationality are forced to disappear after 3 May 1947 under US military occupation.

They shall are under the protection of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, no later than 22 May 2013, the day RCJE constituted and declared to understand, accept, and respect Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols. They are protected persons of the Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Geneva, 12 August 1949).

In the occupied territories Formosa and Pescadores, the people of Japan Empire Nationality (who has the protected person ID of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, the ID is issued by RCJE in compliance with "Instrument of identification Card Issuance for Civilians in the Areas of Occupied Japan Empire", dated 16 September 2013 and 7 October 2013, and its related amendments, which has published in RCJE's website and respectfully submitted to His Majesty the Emperor, Protecting Powers and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon. And in 2014, the JPE Government has authorized RCJE to continue to issue the nationality ID) get discriminate on the basis of nationality.

They (the protected persons) are rejected with an adverse distinction based on nationality by USAF-CRAG (Chinese Taipei) occupying civil administrations, customs, Household Registration Offices, Motor Vehicles Offices, schools, mass media, crowds who are educated in the continuation of war. This situation needs the High Contracting Parties of Geneva Conventions of 1949, Protecting Powers, ICRC and IFRC to assist the protected persons to have benefit and to be respected and protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. 

Fee paid for education of children to vocational high school in the occupied territories Formosa and Pescadores is more than 30 thousand NTD.(However, the children’s education fee of high class officials and of military officials of USAF-CRAG is zero, and they can go to the school they want by special arrangement.)

And, fee paid for protected persons him/her-self living, such as: gas, water, electricity, house rent, register to meet medical doctor, medical care, foods, communications, traffics, objects necessary for religious worship, these fee above shall be paid by Occupying Power - US and its USAF-CRAG (Chinese Taipei) as provided by Article 55 of Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. But US and its USAF-CRAG (Chinese Taipei) force the protected persons to pay these fees.

The protected persons of Japan Empire Nationality need helps to survive.

The US and its USAF-CRAG (Chinese Taipei) continues to occupy all civil resources, all civil courts, and all civil democratic bodies in Formosa and Pescadores.

The protected persons are struggling to survive and hard to survive. Red Cross of Japan Empire needs ICRC, IFRC to give hands to apply for UN emergency relief or ICC victims' reparation.


United Nations’ NGO, Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire, also known as “Red Cross of Japan Empire”

President, Mr. Selig Tsai (蔡 世能)

5 September 2017, Heisei29