Saturday, 11 April 2020 19:58


不是 美國有Formosa台灣的de facto sovereignty,也不是美國有被佔領的主權的大日本帝國領土台灣的立法權,行政權,或司法權,
CHASE, C.J., Separate Opinion / SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES / 71 U.S. 2 / Ex parte Milligan 美國憲法對軍事管轄權的第2種定義。 “行使軍事管轄權,在美國海外的戰爭,而不是美國邊界上。可由軍事政府來區分軍事管轄權,取代軍事管轄權;軍事命令者遂行當地的法律與執行,需在美國總統的指示下,並在美國國會明示或暗示的制約下,行使甚至是被視為【權宜之計的軍事管轄權】。”
Taiwan = ROC
依主要佔領國美國的台灣關係法,Taiwan 不是被佔領的台灣Formosa的英文,而是蔣介石的武裝團-重建中華民國組織ROC的另一個代稱,請宜定義使用
F. We understand that the CHASE, C.J., Separate Opinion / SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES / 71 U.S. 2 / Ex parte Milligan. The second kind military jurisdiction under the Constitution: “Another to be exercised in time of foreign war without the boundaries of the United States, or in time of rebellion and civil war within states or districts occupied by rebels treated as belligerents,” “the second may be distinguished as MILITARY GOVERNMENT, superseding, as far as may be deemed expedient, the local law and exercised by the military commander under the direction of the President, with the express or implied sanction of Congress,”.
Read 2541 times Last modified on Saturday, 11 April 2020 20:23