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リンク Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire > Profile > Activities 

聯合國 國際組織 大日本帝國人民救援委員會 本會任務

We are the civilians’ representatives of the occupied Japan Empire (especially, Taiwan and Penghu).  We are Protected Persons of Fourth Geneva of 1949.

We conform to the “declaration” based on Article 2 of, definition “protected persons” based on Article 4 of, and “resettlement” based on Article 6 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. 

We understand and comply fully with all provisions of Hague Conventions of 1907 and Geneva Conventions of 1949, all of the international conventions and customs of war. 






We request Japan to be Protecting Power of the being occupied Japan Empire 

We request ICRC to be Protecting Power of the being occupied Japan Empire. 

We request Protecting Powers to station in Taiwan and Penghu. 

We request Protecting Powers to protect our human rights and benefits according to ‘the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols’. 

We request Protecting Powers to help us to re-establish our government or make us be “resettlement” in our country where we were living.( Fourth Geneva Convention Art. 6 Commentary Paragraph 4). Before “resettlement”, we shall benefit by Fourth Geneva Convention. 








According to 

  • 1. The Charter of the United Nations (came into force on 24 October 1945) protect territorial integrity or political independence of any state; 
  • 2. The Treaty signed at Washington on 6 February 1922, namely FIVE POWER TREATY OR WASHINGTON TREATY listed the insular territories and possessions in the Pacific Ocean of Japan Empire including Formosa (Taiwan) and the Pescadores (Penghu); 
  • 3. Article 4, Para. 1, of Fourth Geneva Convention provides that: ‘Persons protected by the Convention are those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals’; 
  • 4. Article 6, Para. 4 of Fourth Geneva Convention states ‘The word “resettlement” is used in regard to protected persons who cannot be repatriated for one reason or another and are not allowed to settle permanently in the country where they are living.’; 
  • 5. Art. 11 of Fourth Geneva Convention provides that: ‘If protection cannot be arranged accordingly, the Detaining Power shall request or shall accept, subject to the provisions of this Article, the offer of the services of a humanitarian organization, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, to assume the humanitarian functions performed by Protecting Powers under the present Convention.’  Art. 2 commentary of Fourth Geneva Convention states: ‘the Convention would be applicable as soon as the declaration was made.’ 



  • 1.聯合國憲章於1945年10月24日生效,保護任何主權國家領土完整及政治獨立。
  • 2.簽署於1922年2月6 日的華盛頓五國條約,明列大日本帝國在太平洋的領土島嶼,並包含 台灣及澎湖。
  • 3.日內瓦第四公約第4條第1段規定,日內瓦第四公約保護那些人,在衝突或佔領的情形下,在某個時刻,無論什麼方式,他們已經知道他們自己是誰,他們不是佔領軍的國民。’
  • 4.日內瓦第四公約第6條,註釋第4段明記,”安置” 這個詞是使用在某些被保護人,因為這個原因、或另一個原因,他們不能被遣返,而且不被允許永久安住在他們原來的國家。
  • 5.依日內瓦第四公約第11 條規定,“若保護不能依此佈置,則拘留國應在本條之規定之約束下,請求或接受一人道組織,如紅十字國際委員會,提供服務,以擔任依本公約 由保護國 執行之 人道的任務。”第2條釋文,”當宣告完成,應儘速實施公約”。


Terms Definitions: 

  • 1. Japan Empire: The Empire of Japan. The State has di-Sovereign Entities; they are Japan Emperor and the Imperial Japan Diet that formed and pushed the government of Japan Empire. 
  • 2. Japan Peace: The State started from 1947 and the Sovereignty of the State is on the people of Japan Peace, namely Japan nowadays. 
  • 3. ICRC: the International Committee of the Red Cross 
  • 4. Taiwan: Formosa 
  • 5. Penghu: Pescadores 
  • 6. Formosa and Pescadores is the area where Qing Empire ceded in perpetuity to Japan Empire under the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895, listed in Article 19 of Five Power Treaty (WASHINGTON TREATY) of 1922 as territories of Japan Empire, maintain the territorial integrity by Charter of the United Nations (came into force on 24 October 1945) and occupied by Chiang Kai-shek (who acting on behalf of the United States , the Republic of China, the United Kingdom and the British Empire, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics under General Order No. 1) and his representatives (namely, Chinese Taipei) from 25 October 1945.



  • 1.大日本帝國,是一個雙主權實體的國家,天皇陛下以及帝國議會(帝國政府)。
  • 2.平和日本,成立於1947,國家的主權在全體平和日本的人民,也就是現在的日本國。
  • 3.ICRC,國際紅十字委員會。
  • 4.臺灣,福爾摩莎。
  • 5.澎湖,佩絲卡德瑞絲。
  • 6.臺灣及澎湖,是一個地區,這個地區,在1895年的下關條約,大清帝國永久割讓給大日本帝國;列舉在1922年的華盛頓五國條約第19條,是大日本帝國的領土;在1945年10月24日得到聯合國憲章對任何國家領土的完整性的保障。從1945年10月25日開始,被代理盟軍的蔣介石和他的代表(現在的中國台北)佔領。


We insist to maintain the legal Human Rights of the civilians of Japan Empire in Occupied area (especially, Taiwan and Penghu), expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek (i.e. ROC or Chinese Taipei) from Taiwan and Penghu according to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758.


決定: 我們堅持維護大日本帝國的平民的合法人權在被佔領的區域 (尤其是 臺灣、澎湖)。 我們堅持依據聯合國大會2758號決議文,驅逐蔣介石的代表 (也就是 中華民國 或 中國台北) 離開臺灣、澎湖。