Country/Dept.(國家部門) Recipients
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ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross Asia and Pacific: Mr. Ewan Watson 2013.8.20 2013.8.23 2013.8.18
日本(首相) Prime minister of Japan Mr. Shinzo Abe 2013.8.20 2013.8.21 2013.8.18
天皇陛下 宮内庁長官 風岡 典之 Noriyuki Kazaoka 2013.8.20 2013.8.22 2013.8.18
聯合國安理會 UN Security Council Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia: Mr. H.E. Gary Quinlan 2013.8.20 2013.8.23 2013.8.18
聯合國安理會 UN Security Council Ambassador of Argentina to the United States : Mr. Jorge Argüello 2013.8.20 2013.8.29 死亡 2013.8.18
聯合國國際刑事法庭 United Nations International Criminal Court(ICC) 聯繫法官: Judge Joyce ALUOCH 2013.8.20  2013.8.28 2013.8.18
美國(The White House) President Barack Obama 2013.8.20 2013.8.27 2013.8.18
英國首相 Prime minister of British Prime Minister David Cameron 2013.8.20 2013.8.23 2013.8.18
加拿大總理Prime minister of Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper 2013.8.20 2013.8.28 2013.8.18
IFRC President of the IFRC: Tadateru Konoé(JRC) 2013.8.20   2013.8.18
美國紅十字會American Red Cross Ms. Bonnie McElveen-Hunter 2013.8.20 2013.8.29 2013.8.18
【日本赤十字社】Japanese Red Cross Society Vice-Presidents: Yoshiharu Otsuka 2013.8.20 2013.8.27 2013.8.18
加拿大(紅十字會) Canadian Red Cross Chair of the Board of Directors: Mr. Alan Dean 2013.8.20   2013.8.18
聯合國國際法院 International Court of Justice(ICJ) Presidency: Mr. Peter Tomka 2013.8.20   2013.8.18
美國國務院 U.S. Department of State 台灣事務協調處 Taiwan Affairs Coordination Office Mr. Chris Beede 2013.8.20 2013.9.1 2013.8.18
台灣當局局長 Chinese.Taipei 馬英九 局長 2013.8.28 2013.8.29  
台灣當局(ROC)司法院 賴浩敏 院長 2013.8.28 2013.8.29  
聯合國安理會 UN Security Council Ambassador of Argentina to the United States :AMBASSADOR MARÍA CRISTINA PERCEVAL 2013.9.3 2013.9.6  
日本交流協會 代表: 樽井 澄夫 2013.9.3 2013.9.4