Country/Dept.(國家部門) | Recipients (收件人) |
Date Mailed (發件日) |
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ICRC: International Committee of the Red Cross | Asia and Pacific: Mr. Ewan Watson | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.23 | 2013.8.18 |
日本(首相) Prime minister of Japan | Mr. Shinzo Abe | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.21 | 2013.8.18 |
天皇陛下 | 宮内庁長官 風岡 典之 Noriyuki Kazaoka | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.22 | 2013.8.18 |
聯合國安理會 UN Security Council | Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia: Mr. H.E. Gary Quinlan | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.23 | 2013.8.18 |
聯合國安理會 UN Security Council | Ambassador of Argentina to the United States : Mr. Jorge Argüello | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.29 死亡 | 2013.8.18 |
聯合國國際刑事法庭 United Nations International Criminal Court(ICC) | 聯繫法官: Judge Joyce ALUOCH | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.28 | 2013.8.18 |
美國(The White House) | President Barack Obama | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.27 | 2013.8.18 |
英國首相 Prime minister of British | Prime Minister David Cameron | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.23 | 2013.8.18 |
加拿大總理Prime minister of Canada | Prime Minister Stephen Harper | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.28 | 2013.8.18 |
IFRC | President of the IFRC: Tadateru Konoé(JRC) | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.18 | |
美國紅十字會American Red Cross | Ms. Bonnie McElveen-Hunter | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.29 | 2013.8.18 |
【日本赤十字社】Japanese Red Cross Society | Vice-Presidents: Yoshiharu Otsuka | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.27 | 2013.8.18 |
加拿大(紅十字會) Canadian Red Cross | Chair of the Board of Directors: Mr. Alan Dean | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.18 | |
聯合國國際法院 International Court of Justice(ICJ) | Presidency: Mr. Peter Tomka | 2013.8.20 | 2013.8.18 | |
美國國務院 U.S. Department of State 台灣事務協調處 Taiwan Affairs Coordination Office | Mr. Chris Beede | 2013.8.20 | 2013.9.1 | 2013.8.18 |
台灣當局局長 Chinese.Taipei | 馬英九 局長 | 2013.8.28 | 2013.8.29 | |
台灣當局(ROC)司法院 | 賴浩敏 院長 | 2013.8.28 | 2013.8.29 | |
聯合國安理會 UN Security Council | Ambassador of Argentina to the United States :AMBASSADOR MARÍA CRISTINA PERCEVAL | 2013.9.3 | 2013.9.6 | |
日本交流協會 | 代表: 樽井 澄夫 | 2013.9.3 | 2013.9.4 |
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