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Vehicles on duties of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention
Announced by the UN NGO RCJE

To  USA and its aggression army USAF-CRAG (see Definitions of Terms)

Ms. Tsai Ing-wen(蔡英文女士), President of USAF-CRAG;
And please Ms. Tsai - the leader of USAF-CRAG follow the provisions of 1949 Geneva Conventions to hand up this mail to related authorities, your member and international organizations, such as:
1. President of the United States of America;
2. Taxes and Vehicles controlled by USAF-CRAG;
3. And other related organizations, including the ICRC, provided by the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

Published date: 20 August 2017, Heisei 29     
Document No.: RCJE-GCIV-CAR0819
Attachment: Red Cross Law of Japan Empire (You can download it from

Notification regarding the RCJE’s Vehicle running on duties of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention with Car Plate Number RCJE 8888, its former Car plate Number Z5-0886.


  1. Since 23 October 2015, RCJE has requisitioned the car, which car plate number is Z5-0886 registered in your USAF-CRAG’s civil vehicle registration – the Taipei City Motor Vehicles Office.
    On 26 April 2016 and on 25 July 2017, RCJE had notification your USAF-CRAG for the car Z5-0886 running on 1949 Geneva Convention duties.
  1. Pursuant to “Geneva Conventions of 1949”, “Proclamation of the Red Crystal Rising Sun Emblem having been the Emblem of Geneva Conventions of 1949 in territories of the occupied Japan Empire including Taiwan and Penghu by the JPE Government” and the “Red Cross Law of Japan Empire”, RCJE will use the car plate number RCJE 8888 to the said car since 24 August 2017.
  1. Please protect buildings, personnel, vehicles or material which are marked with the Red Crystal Rising Sun Emblem, to assist the protection of Human Rights provided by the Geneva Conventions of 1949, to give spiritual aid or material relief and assist their free flow with duty-free, in accordance with the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
  1. RCJE has its own vehicle examination center and this car has passed examination.
  1. If there is any notice for military security, please let us know.


Singed by United Nations’ NGO, Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire, also known as “Red Cross of Japan Empire”

President, Mr. Selig Tsai (蔡 世能)

RCJE President 蔡 世能 / 平成29年 / 11 August 2017
1978年12月31日,迫於國際社會對促進世界和平,建立國際法的國際社會秩序之需求,美國與它的派遣軍(蔣介石重建的流亡的中華民國組織),不能繼續違反國際法,由美國 用承認的方式 繼續 假定美國的派遣軍是一個國家-中華民國。
I. 1949日內瓦第四公約第155條釋文:「簽署即同批准」;
II. 1949日內瓦第四公約第2條規定:「設若上述非締約國接受並援用本公約之規定時,則締約各國對該國之關係,亦應受本公約之拘束」。
大日本帝國重建政府為臺灣 澎湖唯一合法政府,並述於《2015年天長節感恩文告
第四章 本政府的承諾
本政府於美國侵略佔領下依據明治憲法、聯合國憲章及 1949 的日內瓦公約而成立, 對於 美國侵犯大日本帝國之主權,包括任何違反 1949的日內瓦第四公約第 47 條,在台灣 澎湖 所建構之政權,永不妥協!

god forever


大日本帝國政府(重建政府) 於平成29年8月7日,於被佔領土-大日本帝國臺灣布告,大日本帝國赤十字法,又名大日本帝國基本法之日內瓦公約法





  1. 應免費提供大日本帝國國籍之被保護人一切生存必需之醫藥、食物、用水供電及宗教所需之物品;
  2. 禁止掠奪大日本帝國國籍之被保護人財產,禁止對被佔領平民徵收民事稅費;
  3. 禁止以未經國際法公認的合法建構之法院對被保護人審判或宣判;
  4. 禁止以行政程序對被佔領平民處罰或處罰金錢。



第 12 頁,共 16 頁